eMaxime, Web development & Ruby on Rails
How to uninstall all Ruby gems
Sometimes you want to remove all installed gems from your computer. This was the case for me when I upgraded my projects from Ruby 2.5.1 to 2.5.3 in order to clean things up in 2.5.1 and regain disk space.
Adding a staging environment to Rails
A staging environment is meant to track as closely as possible the production environment in order for your app to be entirely tested under the condition of production. Let’s dig into this.
Revamping this blog
Service announcement: the blog was revamped! I decided to make a few changes and to resume writing articles.
ActiveCleaner to clean your fields in your Rails models
Some time ago, I released a tiny gem that helps me to clean some user generated fields: ActiveCleaner.
EYR - Refactoring from good to great (and live)
Friday afternoon, Enlarge Your Ruby is back. So, is your Friday afternoon boring ? What about refactoring ? It’s time to learn having fun doing that, turning pretty bad code into good one and even into great one.
Ben Orenstein (@r00k) did a great live refactoring on stage at Aloha Ruby Conf in October 2012. Worth seeing it.
EYR - Wrangling large Rails codebases
This is the first post in Enlarge Your Ruby, let’s start with an heavy one. Ruby on Rails gives a structure that helps organize our code. But when the app grows, we drown with hundreds of controllers, models, views. All this stuff is mixed. Tests take forever to run.
Let’s see how to Divide and Conquer with embedded gems and engines.
A series of Ruby videos each Friday that improves yourself
Friday afternoon, time passes slowly… What about watching a good talk or conference ? Something technical. Something great. Something about Ruby, Rails or Web development in general. Something that improves yourself.
Managing (private) settings with SettingsLogic
In a Ruby on Rails app, there are settings. Many settings. Some can vary from development to production. Some are private as they may be passwords, secret tokens…
This is how I deal with those, using the tiny lib SettingsLogic.
Hello, World!
I decided to create a dedicated blog, in English, to talk about this framework that I like more and more. Did you guess its name ? Yeah, Ruby on Rails.